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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Exhibitionnssss :-D

In April, I will take part in two exhibitions - a personal and a group one.

The personal one is called "Man's best friend - portraits" and will take place at the Ceai et caetera tea house, in Brasov, between apr.18 and may 08. For more information, please visit the dedicated blog.  In short, it's a charity exhibition. The profits raised from selling the paintings will be donated to the Three Spotted Brothers dog shelter in Turda, Romania - for buying food, medicines and what is necessary for the over 160 dogs at the shelter. 

The second one is called Art Connections, and brings in one place artists from Brasov (Romania), Limasol (Cyprus) and Rishon le Zion (Israel), Brasov's sister cities.
It's a cultural project made with the help of Brasov's City Hall, to which I'll participate with the "Passing of time" paintings.
Here is a preliminary wallpaper, I will update it and post links as soon as I have them :)