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Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Hey everyone!

I'm finally back on track (since one and a half month ago actually, but as usual, I fail to update the blog when I'm supposed to... ^^;

So now I'm working at two projects, one is a set of illustrations for a very interesting and twisted story for 10-14 year old children; the other project is a set of illustrations for a publication that will be distributed in schools, it's with english tests for Romanian children. I just love these two projects, even if the deadline for the second one is pretty close, hehe. (which is good, I just figured I am the most productive when stressed, how odd is that?! O_o ) Close deadlines always bring out the best of me. The illustrations are fresh, because I don't have time to overthink things..

Anyway, as I recently bought a licence for Photoshop CS6... and wow, nothing compares to the feeling of finding a new brush, a brush that's so painterly, so perfect in every aspect, that knows exactly what you want to do, and that looks so much like the traditional media! Here is a peek:

The illustration is not finished, unfortunately most of that painterly feel will go away as I add details (it has to fit with the other illustrations I made for this project) but I still love the brush and you'll be able to see it in many illustrations on this blog from now on :-D
Enjoy your day ;-)