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Friday, January 27, 2012

Eco flowers

For the Valentine's Day or... for any occasion, give someone a flower that will never wither!
Painted with acrylics on board, these little paintings are the eco-friendly best gifts (no plants will be harmed, no money spent for bouquets that wither in a few days...)
Such a painting measures 9.5x9.5 cm, and the price for one is € 7, shipping included.
For orders, contact me at anda.0105@gmail.com
I ship around the world :)


Cai verzi pe pereti

"Green horses on walls"
Dimensions: 400x230 cm.


Voi face un calendar cu micuta zanuta. Asta e lucrarea pentru ianuarie :)


Wuf! (part I)

Catei :) Picturile sunt ulei pe carton panzat, 20x20 cm.
Fondurile stranse din vanzarea acestor picturi vor merge la Asociatia Trei Frati Patati din Turda.
Pretul unei picturi e de 200 RON.



Cinnamon love

Dream Tower

By this river



Proiect "From the Deep" (2011)

The works are part of the exhibition I dedicated to Tarja Turunen when she came in Sibiu :-)


Growing up (2010)



Dakini (2010)

Pictura pe perete :) Are aproximativ 150x150 cm.

Archive: Project "Live on canvas" (2009)

Aceste lucrari sunt parte din expozitia pe care am dedicat-o trupei Nightwish in cadrul festivalului ArtMania, in Sibiu 2009.

Archive: Project "Are you there?"; (2009)