Hello and welcome to my page!

Here you landed on the blog page. It contains various sketches and other stuff besides my work.
To see my portfolios or other information about me, click the appropriate tabs above.

Enjoy your stay!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Christmas greeting cards

Because the winter holidays are quickly approaching, I think it's time to post here my offer of greeting cards!
Below you can see the painted ones, various models that I have developed in the last few years and that have been very successful so far :)

As you can see each card is unique, even if it's made using the same "model".
Price for a hand-painted card: 5.

If you are on a budget, you can also opt for a pack of 6 printed cards, at the same price.
The prints are superior quality, made on 150g/mp paper, and each card is personally checked by me.  Below you can see the available models:

p.s. I offer free shipping around the world for all Christmas cards ;)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Hey everyone!

I'm finally back on track (since one and a half month ago actually, but as usual, I fail to update the blog when I'm supposed to... ^^;

So now I'm working at two projects, one is a set of illustrations for a very interesting and twisted story for 10-14 year old children; the other project is a set of illustrations for a publication that will be distributed in schools, it's with english tests for Romanian children. I just love these two projects, even if the deadline for the second one is pretty close, hehe. (which is good, I just figured I am the most productive when stressed, how odd is that?! O_o ) Close deadlines always bring out the best of me. The illustrations are fresh, because I don't have time to overthink things..

Anyway, as I recently bought a licence for Photoshop CS6... and wow, nothing compares to the feeling of finding a new brush, a brush that's so painterly, so perfect in every aspect, that knows exactly what you want to do, and that looks so much like the traditional media! Here is a peek:

The illustration is not finished, unfortunately most of that painterly feel will go away as I add details (it has to fit with the other illustrations I made for this project) but I still love the brush and you'll be able to see it in many illustrations on this blog from now on :-D
Enjoy your day ;-)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I just came back from holidays and it's time to resume work    (I must admit I missed it a little).

Yesterday I discovered this: http://aleksandra-chabros.blogspot.ro
One thing we have in common besides passion for drawing and painting and creative activities: we are both fans of Anne Patzke (aka the awesome illustrator Trenchmaker), and I really like her style. It's so cute!
And seeing all her work inspired me to stop procrastinating and start creating :-D

In other words.. I discovered some old sketches in my old sketchbook. Hope to finish them some day :)

 ...aaaand this is how my desktop looks at the moment. 
Messy I know but I feel so creative when it's like this 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Vector cuties for an app

This project was *SO* fun! It's named "The AlephBet Application", and it will be a mobile game geared toward early childhood Hebrew literacy.

These are only a few of the objects I made for this app. Drew them all in Inkscape.

All rights are now belonging to Not-A-Box Media Lab, but they gave me permission to post some of the artwork in my portfolio. I will post a link to the app when it will go live. Until then, stay tuned :)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Little (framed) Fairy

I just love how it looks <3 Thanks to MyPoster for the wonderful quality of the print!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

About this blog's name

Welcome to my blog in english :)

"Ansheen" is the English spelling of the Chinese 安心  (pinyin: ānxīn)

It means something like "peaceful heart", and it's the name a Chinese friend gave to me. She says she felt this name really fits me, and she couldn't think of anything else.
I agree with her and I really like it, because this is what I try to convey and express through art. This is why I chose to use it as a nickname for my blog. Because art can heal, and the peace of heart and mind is mandatory for this :)


Thursday, May 31, 2012

Say cheese!

Uf, I haven't updated in a month again.

This is a commissioned work. I really appreciate this client for the courage to pose in an "unusual" way for an oil painting :-D  I used a photograph as a reference of course, and I really enjoyed painting it :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Exhibitionnssss :-D

In April, I will take part in two exhibitions - a personal and a group one.

The personal one is called "Man's best friend - portraits" and will take place at the Ceai et caetera tea house, in Brasov, between apr.18 and may 08. For more information, please visit the dedicated blog.  In short, it's a charity exhibition. The profits raised from selling the paintings will be donated to the Three Spotted Brothers dog shelter in Turda, Romania - for buying food, medicines and what is necessary for the over 160 dogs at the shelter. 

The second one is called Art Connections, and brings in one place artists from Brasov (Romania), Limasol (Cyprus) and Rishon le Zion (Israel), Brasov's sister cities.
It's a cultural project made with the help of Brasov's City Hall, to which I'll participate with the "Passing of time" paintings.
Here is a preliminary wallpaper, I will update it and post links as soon as I have them :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Eco flowers

For the Valentine's Day or... for any occasion, give someone a flower that will never wither!
Painted with acrylics on board, these little paintings are the eco-friendly best gifts (no plants will be harmed, no money spent for bouquets that wither in a few days...)
Such a painting measures 9.5x9.5 cm, and the price for one is € 7, shipping included.
For orders, contact me at anda.0105@gmail.com
I ship around the world :)


Cai verzi pe pereti

"Green horses on walls"
Dimensions: 400x230 cm.