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Friday, November 30, 2012

Christmas greeting cards

Because the winter holidays are quickly approaching, I think it's time to post here my offer of greeting cards!
Below you can see the painted ones, various models that I have developed in the last few years and that have been very successful so far :)

As you can see each card is unique, even if it's made using the same "model".
Price for a hand-painted card: 5.

If you are on a budget, you can also opt for a pack of 6 printed cards, at the same price.
The prints are superior quality, made on 150g/mp paper, and each card is personally checked by me.  Below you can see the available models:

p.s. I offer free shipping around the world for all Christmas cards ;)

1 comment:

  1. Really great you have shared different ideas and all the cards make happy. The most attractive card is the last one.
    corporate christmas gift ideas
