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Monday, April 8, 2013

Bologna Children's Book Fair

This was my first year participating in this great gathering of artists, authors and publishers.
And what can I say, I was really impressed to see all those gorgeous books and art and passion and everything! I feel richer now, after seeing all that... Of course I bought some books, the ones that inspired me the most are now sitting very pretty on my shelf here. So I will let the photos do the talking, as follows:

Took a picture with the talented Ayano Imai, after buying one of her books with her signature also :D - really nice! :)

Couldn't help it and tested the new Wacom Cintiq 24HD. Even though it's nice to see directly what you're drawing, I didn't like how everything around me reflected in it. And I was always tempted to get closer and closer to it until I saw all the pixels.. my head hurt after half an hour, no fun. *hugs trustworthy and loyal Intuos3*

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