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Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Yay, my calendar is finally finished! And it looks so pretty *gently caresses the first sample she got from the printer*

It will be "launched" in an exhibition I will have in Brasov (RO) at "Ceai et caetera" teahouse, if you are around between 4 december and 7 january, do come to see it! It will feature canvas prints of my Little Fairy (who now is named Lia, by the way!) and also some of my other illustrations.

So if you want to order my calendar, here are a few details:

Wall calendar: size A4, with a spread for each month:
Price for all preorders (before 1 dec): 10 euro
Regular price: 15 euro

Desk calendar: size half-A4 (landscape) with a page for each month:
Price for all preorders (before 1 dec): 7 euro
Regular price: 12 euro

Prices include shipping to anywhere by Romanian post!

As soon as the calendars are out from the printer, I will post pictures here ;-)
See the orders page for more details on how to order, payment and whatnot.

Until then, enjoy some images that are included in my calendar:


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Cheer up, little buddy!

Little Fairy and her friend Birdie, is with all the stray dogs that are hated by everyone.

In Romania there is a big hysteria caused by the death of a child that was bitten by a dog. The child was unattended, and entered on the dog's territory. Even though his brother ran away when the dogs started barking, he stayed and the result was tragic. Now everybody went crazy, with this "kill all the stray dogs - he killed one of us, so all of them have to die". 

But everyone forgets one thing: agressive dogs are the result of agressive humans.
In my opinion, this "death to all dogs because they killed a child" thing is extremely unfair. How can we be so hypocritical (as a society) to abandon animals on the streets, torture them, teach them to be aggressive, and then blame everything on them when they attack us? Before coming to me with arguments like "dogs attacked me for no reason", try to remember how many times you saw street dogs beaten/burned/cut/attacked by humans for no reason. Or in general, animals without any fault that had and still have to suffer because of the human species.
Also, there are hundreds of children killed each year, by drunk drivers, careless parents, pedophiles and all sorts of abusers. Nobody says "kill them all!"

The dog is man's best friend if the man knows how to deal with it and observe some simple rules of interaction with the animal. We believe we are superior beings and we can't even understand that much ...

You are free to share this on the internet if you are against animal cruelty. Just keep it unaltered and link back to my gallery.
If you want to post it on Facebook, share it from here: www.facebook.com/anda.art

Monday, October 7, 2013

Illustration Friday: Underwater

This topic fits so perfect on my works! It seems I can only submit if I have a separate blog entry with each image so I will make a few posts today ^_^

Monday, April 8, 2013

Bologna Children's Book Fair

This was my first year participating in this great gathering of artists, authors and publishers.
And what can I say, I was really impressed to see all those gorgeous books and art and passion and everything! I feel richer now, after seeing all that... Of course I bought some books, the ones that inspired me the most are now sitting very pretty on my shelf here. So I will let the photos do the talking, as follows:

Took a picture with the talented Ayano Imai, after buying one of her books with her signature also :D - really nice! :)

Couldn't help it and tested the new Wacom Cintiq 24HD. Even though it's nice to see directly what you're drawing, I didn't like how everything around me reflected in it. And I was always tempted to get closer and closer to it until I saw all the pixels.. my head hurt after half an hour, no fun. *hugs trustworthy and loyal Intuos3*